Understanding the Unique Interpretations of the EPA Regulations
Regulations are a critical part of the HVAC business, and they can be challenging to say the least. But staying ahead of the curve is a way of life at Carrier. We take regulatory changes as opportunities to make our products better, more efficient, and more innovative. To answer the latest refrigerant regulations, Carrier introduces Puron Advance – a non-ozone depleting, lower global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant that will easily surpass the EPA’s lower GWP requirements for 2025.
To add to this challenging refrigerant regulation, the state of Washington has set forth even more aggressive laws than those outlined by the EPA. To better understand how these laws effect the transition to Puron Advance in Washington, we have outlined the ruling interpretation below.

As the chart shows, Washington laws vary from what the EPA has outlined in their ruling. Unlike the EPA, Washington does not recognize the use of outdoor equipment as service components, specifically:
- Full outdoor units with Puron (R-410A) can only be replaced with equipment manufactured before January 1, 2025 and must be installed by January 1, 2026.1
- Full outdoor units with Puron (R-410A) cannot be used outside of the timing noted above, even if unit is marked as “for service only in U.S.”.
- Products with Puron Advance can be shipped and stocked at any time.
- Puron Advance designed indoor units can be set on site at anytime, but your local codes dictate the final installation and charging date.
As a leader in the HVAC industry, we anticipated the need to reduce the GWP of refrigerants more than a decade ago. Now, after years of research, development, and field-testing, we are more than ready to meet the new requirements. For additional information regarding the upcoming transition to Puron Advance, contact your Carrier sales representative.
In late 2023, the EPA released their final ruling for the Technology Transition Program spelled out in the AIM Act. This ruling will specify the new requirements for installing new HVAC equipment with Puron AdvanceTM/R-454B and servicing existing systems with Puron®/R-410A in the field. A breakdown of the final ruling and how it applies to different product categories is listed below.
Notable Changes in Final Rule
• For Ducted, Ductless, mini VRF and Light Commercial, the EPA will allow the installation of R-410A systems through December 31, 2025, as long as the indoor coil and outdoor unit were manufactured and/or imported into the United States before January 1, 2025
• Complete R-410A outdoor splits units are considered service components which can continue to be manufactured and installed if only the outdoor unit is replaced
• Mini-VRF (<65k BTU) now follow the January 1, 2025 systems compliance date vs. January 1, 2026 for VRF (>65kBTU)2
1 New R-410A air conditioners and heat pumps will not be allowed for replacement in the state of California or Washington after January 1, 2025.
2 VRF systems (>65k BTU) with R-410A can be manufactured for one additional year, but new systems must be installed with R-454B starting January 1, 2026.
In this final ruling, the EPA has divided the HVAC market into two categories - systems and products. The regulation requirements will differ for each of the two categories, as noted below.
1 New R-410A air conditioners and heat pumps will not be allowed for replacement in the state of California or Washington after January 1, 2025.
2 VRF systems (>65k BTU) with R-410A can be manufactured for one additional year, but new systems must be installed with R-454B starting January 1, 2026.
(air conditioner, heat pump, fan coil, furnace coil, etc.)
1 New R-410A air conditioners and heat pumps will not be allowed for replacement in the state of California or Washington after January 1, 2025.
2 VRF systems (>65k BTU) with R-410A can be manufactured for one additional year, but new systems must be installed with R-454B starting January 1, 2026.
(packaged units)